KIM Siyeon

    © 2009-2023 media art show Poster_v2.jpg Boundary 여기 그리고 어디라도_v2.jpg

    NO BOUNDARY : HERE and anywhere

    No Boundary on Sunday, March 15, 2020 at the Abattoirs Museum - FRAC Occitannie, France
    City Rhythm will be screened on Friday, March 13, 2020 at the ABC cinema, France

    City Rhythm and No Boundary videos has been selected for the 23rd Rencontres Internationales Traverse which will be held March 11 - 15, 2020 in several cultural venues in Toulouse and its region. The exhibitions will be extended until the 31st of the same month.

    Emportement dans le paysage, voyage sans intéraire figé, musique répétive avec aigus, la mer toujours revenir. Emportement avec où toujours recommencée et où toujours revenir. Emportement avec le texte qui, s'inscrivant dans le champ, apporte un autre signe esthétique puisique sinogramme après sinogramme, il se fait là, et, puisqu'il ne néglige pas sa traduction, il apporte la possible compréhension de la langue de l'autre avec, en explicit, un autre plasir, celui d'entendre la musicalité d'une langue moins fréquente - le japonais. Emportement des musiques du violoncelle et de la flûte d'ici, au gayageum et au daegeum coréens - cithare à douze cordes et grand flûte travesière - et du tambour asiatique. Emportement du plan avec des prise de vue de maison, d'immeubles, de montagens mais aussi des images de synthèse de montagnes avec tigre, de bambous brillants entre lesquels flottent d'improbables poissons rouge. Emportement de livre et autre objets proches d'une énorme tortue colorée traverant le champ sans contraintes ou de crabes facétieux venus des quatre directions, pas de distintion de l'ordre des vivants ni de créations des hommes ; tout participe au monde, au monde désormais mixte en image référentielle ou calaulées.
    Le film dit ce monde rêve ; il se vit, se voit, s'entend dans l'effacement des frontières en un poème fillique.

    - director & curator of Traverse Video Festival Toulouse, Silmone Dompeyre -

    *jan 2019 No Boundary | 無經界 | 여기 그리고 어디라도, Performance, National Gugak Center, Umyeon-dang
    20190122 오후7시 무경계, 無經界 | 여기 그리고 어디라도, 미디어아트 융복합 공연, 국립국악원, 우면당

    *nov 2018 No Boundary | 無經界 | 여기 그리고 어디라도, Performance, Korea Creative Content Agency Multi TestBed, Stage66, Korea
    20181211 오후7시 무경계, 無經界 | 여기 그리고 어디라도, 미디어아트 3D 홀로그램 융복합 공연, 한국6콘텐츠진흥원 콘텐츠문화광장, 스테이지66

    ‘차이와 반복에 대해서’우리는 답을 찾아 떠난다.
    동일성을 유지하는 무한한 반복에 대한 질문 부터 시작했다.

    무한한 반복성이 만들어낸 차이에 대한 고민은 텍스트의 리듬과 함께 표현하였다.
    앙리 르 페브르가 정의하였듯 반복에 의해 발생하거나 생성된 차이들이 시간의 골격을 이룬다.
    이러한 관점을 시각적으로 표현하기 위해 텍스트와 이미지를 활용하였다.




                    자 .     너
                      로     의
                    아,       외로움은 
                      면      어
                      러      담
                      할      아
                      진      내
                    대,       면


    Here, there are no boundaries.

    Space of the Non-Existing Boundary, Embodying

    the Four Seasons of Minhwa: Here and Anywhere

    1. The reinterpretation of Minhwa: Drifting away from the boundaries of the world

    2. The non-existing boundary between dreams and reality:

    Imparting the world of Minhwa to the dream world.

    Representing reality with videos and images.

    : Minhwa that is familiar to us conjures up a disrupted perspective and ridiculed images of animals and plants.

    So, to express the non-existing boundary between dreams and reality, this space has been filled with the four seasons of Minhwa.

    3. Embodying the exquisite painting of the unknown artist

    : Join us in our journey as we explore what it would be like if the desire to attain happiness embodied in the subjects of paintings, animals and plants, is converted into media and sound.

    If we are able to invite you into a realm where boundary no longer exists, a world no one has experienced where you can discover how undefined shapes of images, sounds and text are interconnected, that, in itself, would be enough.

    5. The wall talks to you.

    ‘Isn’t it sad’, is in fact, a way of greeting each other in a small village.

    Whatever the answer is, be it positive or negative, it is a way of asking of your wellbeing.

    So we ask you, in this space where there is no boundary.

    “Isn’t it sad”

    6. The world of the imagination is always wide open.

    Pondering over where this imagination can take us, the word ‘happiness’ comes to mind.

    This order of nature, so spectacular.

    You can find comfort only if you distance yourself, even in the slightest, from the ideas of happiness this world forces upon you.

    7. We embark on a journey in search of an answer to another question regarding “difference and repetition”.

    The first question we asked ourselves was about the infinite repetition marked by sameness.

    The significance of this question becomes all the more apparent at the boundary between dreams and reality.

    On the fine line that separates these two different worlds, there is absolutely no sameness.

    Yet again, another form of repetition is sighted.

    The way of living, different for every generation, yet still similar in some peculiar way.

    Perhaps, our lives are also simply another trend, something that comes and goes, yet is still repeated.

    What is behind this repetition? We searched.

    Endless struggles to reach somewhere and something that is never attainable.

    Still, each and every one of us is different. So, it can never be exactly the same.

    To distance ourselves from the despair that strikes us in different forms and ways every time, we leave for the space where the boundary does not exist.

    If we were to express the way in which a leaf falls from a tree to the ground in texts, it would look something like a long and vertical thread.

    So, how would we embody the loneliness that accompanies us in our long journey in texts?

    Chapter 1. Repetition and Difference

    There is no such thing as absolute repetition that maintains the sameness.

    The instrument talks to you, in two syllables that are perfectly repetitive!


    A: Wasn’t it exactly the same?

    Was it?

    Still, there must be something different.

    I guess.

    There’s that difference in time.

    Instrument: Huh!

    Chapter 2. Spring_ Bamboo grove swaying in the wind

    The wind, that is never the same, blows.

    The numbers that indicate life always branch off from one single thing.

    There is nothing the same about the various facets of life.

    That is how life repeats itself.

    Chapter 3. Journey - A turtle with a bundle of books on its back leaves on a journey for the sea.

    Slowly, it moves.

    Energetically, it moves.

    Only through the repetition of slow and powerful movement, will the turtle reach somewhere.

    Even when that form of repetition only lands it in despair, it comes in different shapes and sizes every time.

    Maybe not this time either.

    The sea is nowhere to be found here.

    4. In groups, we leave (the movement of crabs)

    We ran, moving forward, believing that we are different from others.

    Yet, we turned out to be the same as others.

    The accumulation of repetitive time shaped me and became me.

    Just like the crabs who walk sideways.

    Striving endlessly towards that place we can never reach.

    Perhaps, that is where the motivation of ceaseless repetition stems from.

    Here, it is snowing.

    Even if it is imperfect in its sameness,

    Or even if the difference is too big for us to notice,

    Life repeats itself, constantly moving forward.

    To land upon the most beautiful moment.

    The four seasons come again and again,

    Replicating the trend that changes every season.

    The boundary between

    Imagination and reality,

    Consciousness and unconsciousness,

    Is broken down

    Without the need to maintain such absolute sameness.

    Here and anywhere.